所長研究室 研究業績 |
研究業績(2008~2010) ① 自閉症に関する論文 1. Keino H, Keino H1, Miwa C2, Kawakita K3, Hosokawa M, Funahashi A (1Lemon
Club, 2Nagoya Univ, 3Meiji Univ of Integrative Med): Facilitation of social
and interpersonal behaviors of children with pervasive developmental disorders
through psycho-educational horseback riding. J Anim Edu Ther 1: 1-8, 2009. (教育福祉学部との共同研究) 2. Keino H, Funahashi A, Keino H1, Miwa C2, Hosokawa M, Hayashi Y3, Kawakita
K4 (1Lemon Club, 2Nagoya Univ, 3Univ of Tokyo, 4Meiji Univ of Integrative
Med): Psycho-educational horseback riding to facilitate communication ability
of children with pervasive developmental disorders. J Equine Sci 20: 79-88,
2009. (教育福祉学部との共同研究)
② 重度知的障害に関する論文 1. 三浦清邦1,長谷川桜子,小森 拓2,竹澤大史,細川昌則 (1豊田市こども発達センター,2こばと学園):地域で生活している重症心身障害のある人への医療の実態に関する調査-医療状況と医療機関利用状況について-.日本重症心身障害学会誌45:161-170,2009. (教育福祉学部との共同研究) ③ 心身障害全般に関する論文 1. Chiba Y, Shimada A, Yoshida F, Keino H, Hasegawa M, Ikari H, Miyake
S, Hosokawa M: Risk of fall for individuals with intellectual disability.
Am J Intellect Dev Disabil 114: 225-236, 2009. (病理学部との共同研究) ④ 神経科学全般に関する論文 1. Ishihara E1, Nagahama M1, Naruse S2, Semba R, Miura T1, Usami M3, Narita
M4: (1Suzuka Univ of Medical Science, 2Nagoya Univ, 3Ikeda Hosp, 4Mie Univ)
Neuropathological alteration of aquaporin 1 immunoreactive enteric neurons
in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic
and Clinical 138: 31-40, 2008. (鈴鹿医療科学大学他との共同研究) 2. Katoh-Semba R, Tsuzuki M, Miyazaki N, Matsuda M, Nakagawa C, Ichisaka
S1, Sudo K, Kitajima S, Hamatake M, Hata Y1, Nagata K (1Tottori Univ):A
phase advance of the light-dark cycle stimulates production of BDNF, but
not of other neurotrophins, in the adult rat cerebral cortex: association
with the activation of CREB. J Neurochem 106: 2131–2142, 2008. (周生期学部との共同研究) 3. Shimada A, Keino H, Kawamura N, Chiba Y, Hosokawa M: Limbic structures
are prone to age-related impairments in proteasome activity and neuronal
ubiquitinated inclusions in SAMP10 mouse: a model of cerebral degeneration.
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 34: 33-51, 2008. (病理学部との共同研究) 4. Saitoh Y, Matsui F, Chiba Y, Kawamura N, Keino H, Satoh M, Kumagai N1,
Ishii, S, Yoshikawa K, Shimada A, Maeda N2, Oohira A, Hosokawa M (1Niigata
Univ, 2Tokyo Metropolitan Inst Neuroscience): Reduced expression of MAb6B4-epitopes
on chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan aggrecan in perineuronal nets from
the cerebral cortices of SAMP10 mice, a model for age-dependent neurodegeneration.
J Neurosci Res 86: 1316-1323, 2008.(病理学部との共同研究) 5. Satoh M, Shimada A, Kawamura N, Chiba Y, Yoshikawa K, Ishii S, Furukawa
A, Kumagai N, and Hosokawa M: Neuronal toxicity of expanded polyglutamine
depends on intracellular distribution in addition to the expression level.
Neuropathol 28: 485-496, 2008. (病理学部との共同研究) 6. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Takei S, Inaba M1, Umegaki H2, Chiba Y, Furukawa A,
Kawamura N, Hosokawa M, Shimada A (1Kansai Med Univ, 2Nagoya Univ): Defects
in cytokine-mediated neuroprotective glial responses to excitotoxic hippocampal
injury in senescence-accelerated mouse. Brain Behav. Immun. 25:83-100,
(病理学部との共同研究) 7. Hasegawa-Ishii S, Takei S, Chiba Y, Furukawa A, Umegaki H1, Iguchi A1,
Kawamura N, Yoshikawa K, Hosokawa M, Shimada, A (1Nagoya Univ): Morphological
impairments in microglia precede age-related neuronal degeneration in senescence-accelerated
mice. Neuropathology (in press) [2010 May 19, Epub ahead of print] (病理学部との共同研究) 8. Yoshikawa K, Takei S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Chiba Y, Furukawa A, Kawamura
N, Hosokawa M, Woodward DF, Watanabe K, Shimada A: Preferential localization
of prostamide/prostaglandin F synthase in myelin sheaths of the central
nervous system. Brain Res. (in press) [2010 Oct 13, Epub ahead of print]