病理学部 研究業績
著書・総説 |
2012年 |
島田厚良,石井さなえ:「脳と免疫系の相互作用という観点から老化促進モデルマウスをとらえる」 基礎老化研究,(印刷中),2012.
榎戸 靖:「発達障害と神経変性に関わる新たな神経細胞死メカニズム」 日本神経精神薬理学会雑誌,(印刷中),2012.
2011年 |
Enokido Y,Okazawa H: DNA repair in the nervous system: a new research for
neurological disorders. In: DNA Research, Genetics and Cell Biology,
Nova Science Publishers, New York, (in press), 2011.
Shimada A, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Furukawa A: SAMP10 strain as a model for the
study of brain aging. In: The senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM): Achievements
and Future Directions. (Toshio Takeda, ed.), Amsterdam, Elsevier, (in press),
Y, Fujisawa-Tsukaguchi H, Nishikawa T, Hosokawa M: Higher oxidative stress
status and mitochondrial alterations as a possible mechanism for senescence
acceleration. In: Takeda T (ed.) The senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM):
Achievements and Future Directions. Amsterdam: Elsevier, (in press), 2011.
Shimada A,Hasegawa-Ishii S: Senescence-accelerated mice (SAMs) as
a model for brain aging and immunosenescence. Aging Dis. (in press), 2011.
島田厚良,石井さなえ:「免疫系と神経系の接点から老化促進モデルマウスをとらえる」,日本老年医学会雑誌 48: 439-446,2011.
榎戸 靖,岡澤 均:「ポリグルタミン病におけるDNA修復異常」メディカル・サイエンス・ダイジェスト (印刷中),2011.
2010年 |
Chiba Y, Shimada A, Hosokawa M: The SAM strain of mice, a higher oxidative
stress, age-dependent degenerative disease, and senescence acceleration
model. In: Bondy SC and Maiese K (eds.) Aging and Age-related Disorders,
Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice 3.
New York: Springer Science+Business Media LLC, pp359-380, 2010.
林 雅晴,小森 拓,島田厚良:Clinical Pathological Conference (C.P.C.) 学業の遅れと歩行の異常で発症し、多彩な神経症状が進行した男子症例.「小児神経学の進歩-第39集」(日本小児神経学会教育委員会編)診断と治療社 pp129-144,
古川絢子,及川伸二:「酸化ストレスに着目したプロテオミクス解析—モデル動物を用いた酸化損傷蛋白質の網羅的解析—」内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科 30(4);
pp319-326, 2010.
細川昌則,千葉陽一,塚口(藤澤)裕美:老化モデル:マウス.In:新老年学 第3版 大内尉義,秋山弘子編(東京大学出版会)pp237-240,
2009年 |
Chiba Y, Shimada A, Kumagai N, Yoshikawa K, Ishii S, Furukawa A, Takei
S, Sakura M, Kawamura N, Hosokawa M: The Senescence-accelerated Mouse (SAM):
a higher oxidative stress and age-dependent degenerative diseases model.
Neurochem Res 34: 679-87, 2009
及川伸二,古川絢子,村田真理子;川西正祐: 酸化ストレスによるDNAやタンパク質の損傷を介した老化促進機構.基礎老化研究 33(1): 9-16,
2008年 |
島田厚良: 脳老化病態モデル動物を用いた脳の形態学的解析.(日本基礎老化学会編)「老化・老年病研究のための動物実験ガイドブック」アドスリー pp45-51,
細川昌則、千葉陽一: SAM マウス.(日本基礎老化学会編)「老化・老年病研究のための動物実験ガイドブック」アドスリー pp90-100, 2008.
2007年 |
Y, Chiba Y, Shimada A: Aging and proteoglycans. Neural Proteoglycans (Maeda N,
ed), Research Signpost, Kerala, pp183-199, 2007.
原著論文 |
2013年 |
Hasegawa-Ishii, S., Shimada, A.*, Inaba, M., Li, M., Shi, M., Kawamura, N., Takei, S., Chiba, Y., Hosokawa, M., Ikehara, S.
Selective localization of bone marrow-derived ramified cells in the brain adjacent to the attachments of choroid plexus.
Brain Behav. Immun. 29:82-97, 2013.
Yoshikawa, K., Kita, Y., Furukawa, A., Kawamura, N., Hasegawa-Ishii, S.,
Chiba, Y., Takei, S., Maruyama, K., Shimizu, T. and Shimada, A*. Excitotoxicity-induced immediate surge in hippocampal prostanoid production
has latent effects that promote chronic progressive neuronal death. Prostaglandins
Leukot Essent Fatty Acids (in press)
Tanisawa, K., Mikami, E., Fuku, N., Honda, Y., Honda, S., Ohsawa, I., Ito,
M., Endo, S., Ihara, K., Ohno, K., Kishimoto, Y., Ishigami, A., Maruyama,
N., Sawabe, M., Iseki, H., Okazaki, Y., Hasegawa-Ishii, S., Takei, S.,
Shimada, A., Hosokawa, M., Mori, M.,
Higuchi, K., Takeda, T., Higuchi, M. and Tanaka, M. Exome sequencing of
senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) reveals deleterious mutations in degenerative
disease-causing genes. BMC Genomic 2013 14(1):248. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-248.
Chiba, Y., Komori, H., Takei1, S., Hasegawa-Ishii1, S., Kawamura, N., Adachi, K., Nanba, E., Hosokawa, M., Enokido1, Y., Kouchi1, Z., Yoshida, F., and Shimada, A*. Niemann-Pick disease type C1 predominantly involving the frontotemporal region, with cortical and brainstem Lewy bodies: An autopsy case. (in press)
2012年 |
Takei, S., Hasegawa-Ishii, S., Uekawa, A., Chiba, Y., Umegaki, H., Hosokawa, M., Woodward, D.F., Watanabe, K., and Shimada, A.* Immunohistochemical demonstration of increased prostaglandin F2α levels in the rat hippocampus following kainic acid-induced seizures.
Neuroscience 218:295-304, 2012.
Ohgami N, Ida-Eto M, Sakashita N, Sone M, Nakashima T, Tabuchi K., Hoshino T, Shimada A, Tsuzuki T, Yamamoto M, Sobue G. Jijiwa M, Asai N, Hara A, Takahashi M,Kato M. Partial impairment of c-Ret at tyrosine 1062 accelerates age-related hearing loss in mice. Neurobiol. Aging 33:626.e25-34, 2012.
Chiba Y, Takei S, Kawamura N, Kawaguchi Y, Sasaki K, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Furukawa A, Hosokawa M, Shimada A. Immunohistochemical localization of aggresomal proteins in glial cytoplasmic inclusions in multiple system atrophy. Neuropathol. Appl. Neurobiol. 38:559-71, 2012.
2011年 |
K, Takei S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Chiba Y, Furukawa A, Kawamura N, Hosokawa M,
Woodward DF, Watanabe K, Shimada A: Preferential localization of
prostamide/prostaglandin F synthase in myelin sheaths of the central nervous
system. Brain Res 1367: 22-32, 2011.
S, Takei S, Inaba M, Umegaki H, Chiba Y, Furukawa A, Kawamura N, Hosokawa M,
Shimada A: Defects in cytokine-mediated neuroprotective glial responses to
excitotoxic hippocampal injury in senescence-accelerated mouse. Brain Behav
Immun 25: 83-100, 2011.
S, Takei S, Chiba Y, Furukawa A, Umegaki H, Iguchi A, Kawamura N, Yoshikawa K,
Hosokawa M, Shimada A: Morphological impairments in microglia precede
age-related neuronal degeneration in senescence-accelerated mice.
Neuropathology 31: 20-28, 2011.
Kouchi Z, Igarashi T, Shibayama N, Inanobe S, Sakurai K., Yamaguchi H, Fukuda T, Yanagi S, Nakamura Y, Fukami K: Phospholipase Cd3 regulates RhoA/Rho kinase signaling and neurite outgrowth. J Biol Chem 286 : 8459-8471, 2011.
Kouchi Z, Fujiwara Y, Yamaguchi H, Nakamura Y,Fukami K: Phosphatidylinositol
5-phosphate 4-kinase typeII beta is required for vitamin D receptor-dependent
E-cadherin expression in SW480 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 408: 523-529,
Furukawa A, Kawamoto, Chiba Y, Takei S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Kawamura N, Yoshikawa
K, Hosokawa M, Oikawa S, Kato M,Shimada A. Proteomic identification of
hippocampal proteins vulnerable to oxidative stress in excitotoxin-induced
acute neuronal injury. Neurobiol. Dis. 43:706-714, 2011.
Hoshino S, Kurishima A, Inaba M, Ando Y, Fukui T, Uchida K, Nishio A, Iwai
H, Yokoi T, Ito T, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Shimada A, Li M, Okazaki K, Ikehara
S. Amelioration of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis
in mice by immunoregulatory dendritic cells. J. Gastroenterol.46:1368-1381,
2010年 |
S, Tokuhira Y, Shimada A, Hosokawa M, Fukuoka S: The eosin-shadow method: A
selective enhancement of light microscopic visualization of pancreatic zymogen
granules on hematoxylin-eosin sections. Anat Sci Int 85: 245-250, 2010.
A, Oikawa S, Hasegawa-Ishii S, Chiba Y, Kawamura N, Takei S, Yoshikawa K,
Hosokawa M, Kawanishi S, Shimada A Proteomic analysis of aging brain in SAMP10
mouse: a model of age-related cerebral degeneration. Mech Ageing Dev 131:
379-388, 2010.
A, Oikawa S, Harada K, Sugiyama H, Hiraku Y, Murata M, Shimada A, Kawanishi S:
Oxidatively generated DNA damage induced by 3-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole,
a metabolite of carcinogenic amitrole. Mutat Res 694: 7-12, 2010.
Kanemaru, K, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, Y, Hashiguchi, Y, Kouchi, Z, Yamaguchi,
H, Oshima, N, Kiyonari, H Fukami, K: Phospholipase C-eta2 is highly expressed
in the habenula and retina. Gene Expr Patterns 10: 119-126, 2010.
Ohgami N, Ida-Eto M, Shimotake T, Sakashita N, Sone M, Nakashima T, Tabuchi
K, Hoshino T, Shimada A, Tsuzuki T, Yamamoto M, Sobue G, Jijiwa M, Asai
N, Hara A, Takahashi M, Kato M; c-Ret-mediated hearing loss in mice with
Hirschsprung disease. Proc. Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 13051-13056, 2010.
Y, Tamura T, Ito H, Arumughan A, Komuro A, Shiwaku H, Sone M, Foulle R, Sawada
H, Ishiguro H, Ono T, Murata M, Kanazawa I, Tomilin N, Tagawa K, Wanker EE, and
Okazawa H: Mutant Huntingtin impairs Ku70-mediated DNA repair. J. Cell Biol.
189: 425-443, 2010.
2009年 |
Chiba Y, Shimada A, Yoshida F, Keino H, Hasegawa M, Miyake S, Ikari H, and Hosokawa M: Falls in adults with intellectual disability: risk factors and risk assessment. Am J Intellect. Dev Disabil 114: 225-236, 2009.
Oikawa S, Yamada T, Minohata T, Kobayashi H, Furukawa A, Tada-Oikawa S,
Hiraku Y, Murata M, Kikuchi M, Yamashima T: Proteomic identification of
carbonylated proteins in the monkey hippocampus after ischemia-reperfusion.
Free Radic Biol Med. 46: 1472-1477, 2009.
2008年 |
A, Keino N, Kawamura N, Chiba Y, Hosokawa M; Limbic structures are prone to
age-related impairments in proteasome activity and neuronal ubiquitinated
inclusions in SAMP10 mouse: a model of cerebral degeneration. Neuropathol Appl
Neurobiol 34: 33-51, 2008.
Komatsu T, Chiba T, Yamaza H, Yamashita K, Shimada A, Hoshiyama Y, Henmi
T, Otani H, Higami Y, Ingram D.K, Shimokawa I: Manipulation of caloric
content but not diet composition, attenuates the deficit in learning and
memory of senescence-accelerated mouse strain P8. Exp Gerontol 43: 339-346,
Y, Matsui F, Chiba Y, Kawamura N, Keino H, Satoh M, Kumagai N, Ishii, S,
Yoshikawa K, Shimada A, Maeda N, Oohira A, Hosokawa M: Reduced Expression of
MAb6B4-Epitopes on Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan Aggrecan in Perineuronal
Nets from the Cerebral Cortices of SAMP10 Mice, a Model for Age-Dependent
Neurodegeneration. J. Neurosci Res 86: 1316-1323, 2008.
M, Shimada A, Kawamura N, Chiba Y, Yoshikawa K, Ishii S, Furukawa A, Kumagai N,
and Hosokawa M: Neuronal toxicity of expanded polyglutamine depends on
intracellular distribution in addition to the expression level. Neuropathology.
28: 485-496, 2008.
T, Unno K, Tahara S, Shimada A, Chiba Y, Hoshino M, Kaneko T: Age-related increase
of superoxide generation in the brains of mammals and birds. Aging Cell. 7:
459-469, 2008.
石井さなえ,千葉陽一,梅垣宏行,井口昭久,河村則子,吉川圭介,古川絢子,武井史郎,細川昌則,島田厚良: 加齢性神経変性に対するミクログリアの機能解明にむけて.基礎老化研究
32: 21-24, 2008.
2007年 |
B, Matsumura T, Shimizu M, Mori M, Okudaira S, Nakanishi R, Higuchi K, Hosokawa
M, Tsuboyama T, Nakamura T: Quantitative trait locus that determines the
cross-sectional shape of the femur in SAMP6 and SAMP2 mice. J Bone Mineral Res
22: 675-685, 2007.
T, Yao J, Higami Y, Shimokawa I, Hosokawa M, Higuchi K: Identification of
differentially expressed genes in senescence-accelerated mouse testes by
suppression subtraction hybridization analysis. Mamm Genome 18: 105-112, 2007.
Hasegawa (Ishii) S, Yamaguchi M, Nagao H, Mishina M, Mori K: Enhanced cell-to-cell
contacts between activated microglia and pyramidal cell dendrites following
kainic acid-induced neurotoxicity in the hippocampus. J Neuroimmunology
186: 75-85, 2007.
N, Chiba Y, Hosono M, Fujii M, Kawamura N, Keino H, Yoshikawa K, Ishii S,
Saitoh Y, Satoh M, Shimada A, Hosokawa M: Involvement of pro-inflammatory
cytokines and microglia in an age-associated neurodegeneration model, the
SAMP10 mouse. Brain Res 1185: 75-85, 2007.
Ayako Furukawa, Tada-Oikawa S, Kawanishi S, Oikawa S: H2O2 accelerates cellular senescence by accumulation of acetylated p53 via decrease in the function of SIRT1 by NAD+ depletion. Cell Physiol Biochem. 20: 45-54, 2007.
2006年 |
Shimada A, Tsuzuki M, Keino H, Satoh M, Chiba Y, Saitoh Y, Hosokawa M:
vulnerability to dendritic retraction in prefrontal neurones of ageing SAMP10
mouse: a model of cerebral degeneration. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 32: 1-14,
Y, Shimada A, Satoh M, Saitoh Y, Kawamura N, Hanai A, Keino H, Ide Y, Shimizu
T, Hosokawa M: Sensory system-predominant distribution of leukotriene A4
hydrolase and its colocalization with calretinin in the mouse nervous system.
Neuroscience 141: 917-927, 2006.
K, Kita Y, Kishimoto K, Shimizu T: Profiling of eicosanoid production in the
rat hippocampus during kainic acid-induced seizure. J Biol Chem 281:
14663-14669, 2006.
K, Fukunaga S, Yoshikawa K, Kondo R: Screening of extracts of Japanese woods
for melanin biosynthesis inhibition. J Wood Sci 53: 153-160, 2006.
R, Shimizu M, Mori M, Akiyama H, Okudaira S, Otsuki B, Hashimoto M, Higuchi K,
Hosokawa M, Tsuboyama T, Nakamura T: Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 4 is a
Negative Regulator of Peak BMD in SAMP6 Mice. J Bone Mineral Res 21: 1713-1721,
Aono S, Tokita Y, Yasuda Y, Hirano K, Yamauchi S, Shuo T, Matsui F, Keino
H, Kashiwai A, Kawamura N, Shimada A, Kishikawa M, Asai M, Oohira A: Expression
and identification of a new splice variant of neuroglycan C, a transmembrane
chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, in the human brain. J Neurosci Res 83:
110-118, 2006.
Ueno M, Tomita S, Nakagawa T, Ueki M, Iwanaga Y, Ono J, Onodera M, Huang CL, Kanenishi K, Shimada A, Maekawa N, Sakamoto H: Effects of aging and HIF-1a deficiency on permeability of hippocampal vessels. Microsc Res Tech 69: 29-35, 2006.
講演など |
榎戸 靖:神経系における新たな領域にどう挑むのか?」第54回日本神経化学会大会 若手研究者育成セミナー(金沢)2011.9.25〜2011.9.28.
榎戸 靖:発達障害と神経変性に関わる新たな神経細胞死メカニズム」第51回 脳の医学・生物学研究会(名古屋)2011.8.6.
Enokido Y: Astrocyte dysfunction in inborn error of metabolism. The 9th
Biennial Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry Symposium
Watanabe K, Shimada A: A novel type of PGF synthase belonging to the thioredoxin-like
superfamily. Keystone Symposium “Bioactive Lipids: Biochemistry and Diseases”
Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism I
榎戸 靖:グリア病の最前線. 第53回日本神経化学会大会 若手研究者育成セミナー (神戸)2010.8.31.〜2010.9.1.
島田厚良:脳組織防御機構の破綻と加齢性神経変性.日本基礎老化学会 シンポジウム「老化と疾患」(名古屋)2010.6.17.